Smart Home
Business Website

Creating a brand website for an international smart home company

This was my first external client project when I was interning at YIMU digital design agency. I was assigned to understand and implement their requirement on creating a brand website.

The client needs rebrand to meet American market and an information website to attract both non-Mandarin and Mandarin speaking customers. Based on the client's business goal and website targeted audience, I created a brand design guide and a high-fidelity prototype website to meet their needs. The work had handed off to the development team at November 2021.


Project Management
Solo UI/UX Designer
User Research


-Responsive Website Prototype
-Branding & Design System Guide


1.5 Month


client Information

This client is a China-based Smart Home Automation company. They are experienced and well-established back in China but still yet have their client base in the States. They provide consultation on what system their customer need and assist in setting up.

Since they are new to American market, their major marketing channel was mainly through referral. They hope to provide information on a website to minimize communication time.


    Since the client are new to the market, they gained new customers mainly through referral. The client mainly depends on marketing in WeChat group chats which are mostly Chinese immigratants.

    Most potential customers have no initial knowledge about their need and some even have no idea how can smart home automation help them.

    Therefore, the client have to spend massive time on providing same initial information but many of their potential customer wasn't converted as they couldn't visualize the benefits from the smart home system.

    Also, due to the main communication medium is WeChat, it has been difficult for the client's to do target marketing.

    "Our marketing chanel is too limited and we need to focus on conversion but not just stucked in providing information"

    Primary Problems:

    • Potential customer need to visualize the use case of the smart home system
    • Client spend to much time on answering repetitive questions.
    • Potential customer has no initial knowledge on smart home system and the benefits

    Business Goal :

    1. Expand their customer segments to general population in the States instead of limiting to Mandarin speaking customer.
    2. Maintain a customer mailing list to implement target marketing


    Quick Overview of All Services

    Interactive Element

    I also included a section on smart home sub-page to show what "daily furniture" can be turn into smart devices and integrated into the system. By hovering over the label, they can see the use cases of these smart devices.

    Stimulate Different Mode/Routine

    The company also assist in setting up smart home routine or mode. For example, Sleeping Mode will turn off all the lights in the house, lock the house door and turn on the security system of the house.

    I stimulate a possible perspective as the customer can switch on a specific mode and see the difference through the labeled items to visualize the benefits and use cases.

    finAL DESIGN

    Design Guide

    Final Design

    Smart Home Page
    Contact Page

    Responsive Design

    Desktop: Mode Display
    Desktop: Mode Display

    What happen next

    The design was handed off to the development team at November 2021.

    More Work
